Saturday, August 29, 2015

1.13 My Thoughts on Public Comments

  • How would you describe the fears and anxieties being expressed in these comments?  What are these commenters afraid of specifically? The commenters are afraid of what culture and diversity has done to this nation. We are a nation of freedom of speech and that is what Donald Trump has done in I believe is an unsuccessful bid for the presidency. The commentor Nerdrage is very upset and has fears and anxieties displayed in his blog. He rather sounds like a ticking time bomb in his blog post.
  • What kinds of beliefs and values are represented in these comments?  How would you characterize the kinds of values and beliefs being expressed in the comments? The beliefs and values of immigrants that have come to this county are being attacked rather harshly and they are being stereotyped. Al'n makes a great statement of how monetary success of Donald Trump is putting him in the race but hopefully not for long.
  • Which commenters came across as the most reasonable?  What made them seem reasonable? The commentor Mike described Donald Trump as a racist and hypocrite and I feel this is true in how he has addressed in his blog.
  • Which commenters came across as lacking credibility or trustworthiness?  Why didn't they seem trustworthy? The commenter Anonymous and Jake lacked in their blog posts they both talk about being racists in their blogs and are very racist in their posts.

The opinions I valued from my classmates Jon Thomas and Steven Duron whom I replied to their posts were we are a nation of freedom of speech and the opinions of others stereotype people when addressed in a negative way they begin to impact the underdog even if they do state facts. I agreed with their responses on how the writers tend to embellish articles.

Jon Thomas
Steven Duron