Saturday, August 29, 2015

1.9 Calendar Reflection

Plans to completing coursework this semester:
  1. I plan to devote nine to ten hours of homework time to be success in this course.
  2. In planning to commit my homework time I have averaged a total of 1.5 hours a day to meet these requirements.
  3. In my current occupation I work 40 plus hours a week in a fast-paced work environment I have adjusted my lunch hour to allow to at least 30 minutes of reading and studying time during the workweek.  I understand there are times that I will not be able to make this commitment due to a pressing task but will do my best.
  4. Communication is key in this class and I know I have to be disciplined and focused to stay on pace with my classmates and the syllabus.
  5. I understand that there are personal activities that I will have to plan around and will plan ahead to study and work on coursework on the weekends.
Reflection of what I learned:
In reading Liz Kinney and Stephanie Vicenti blogs I learned that we all have something in common  all three of us having very busy schedules and commitments along with school and we all find ways to juggle our lives on a daily basis in being disciplined and keeping motivated with our coursework. Online coursework in my experience is more challenging and trying to stay abreast and afloat with organization and planning with hectic schedules. 


  1. I'm glad you acknowledge you will be juggling course work with work-work. Please consider trying to do course work before you go to work; many people have good intentions to do course work after work but they come home exhausted. Many extremely prolific writers also worked full time jobs; many of them got up and wrote anywhere from 1-3 hours each day prior to going to work.

    All this to say, make sure not ALL of your scheduled school work times are when you are tired from doing other things. Try to schedule at least a few times a week when you focus on school work when you are fresh.

  2. Sounds like you have busy weekdays, hopefully you will have enough time during the week! I also set up most of my time to do homework after I get off of work.

  3. Looks like you have definitely planned to dedicate yourself to succeed in this course. You also seem swamped with work. I agree that communication is important. Good luck!
