Saturday, September 26, 2015

4.3 Thoughts on drafting

I reviewed Steven Duron and Oscar Acosta's posts and I learned that they both came to the conclusion that the PIE format worked for them and that it easily guided them to the process of writing effectively.
The three things I learned from processing the information are:
  1. I have to engage the proper audience. Whom do I want reach out to.
  2. Contextualization is important to deliver the message. Am I being clear and concise.
  3. What is the message or purpose we are trying to deliver

What parts of the book’s advice on the bulleted topics are helpful for writing this genre?
Thesis statement, introduction, PIE (very important for first year writers) and a conclusion are the most important starts and I feel  then the others: organizing information will follow depending on how you are going to write your paper.

What parts of the book’s advice on these topics might not be so helpful, considering the genre you’re writing in? I feel that PIE (point, illustration and explanation) format would not be as important if you where not writing a analysis essay or a persuasive argument essay. Also, if you where not a first year writer and were a well experienced writer you would not have to use PIE.


5.8 Evaluation of Rhetorical Situations

 Source 1
The White House is base in Washington, DC and is our highest standard of leadership. There are several articles and topics to research regarding education.The medium used is the United States Government website that is used for a wealth of information for our economy and does address education reform.

Source 2
Our State Government pertains to our individual state and in the capital of Phoenix that is where our government is based and the website reflects all information that can be accessible by our government leaders as an example our governor. The medium used is our State Government and the website is used to provide information on education reform.

Source 3
This resource is used for reference for educators to reference there educational standing.The text is written for the audience of institutional educators and provides research to assist them with their constituents. The medium used is a scholarly source and is intended for institutional leaders of education.

White House

Government Education

Education Technology

5.7 Developing a Research Question

  1. How can we make higher education more affordable for students? 
  2.  What barriers and challenges do student face when trying to get into college?
  3. The statement you can't put a price on an education or an education is priceless and  how to hold this statement to be true is a question to be answered? 
  4. What types of research can be done to find out how to overcome the challenges student face for high education costs?
I would like to find these answers out as I am struggling with the financial means of a higher education costs. Student loans are an answer but then we need to find ways to curb the increased costs of education that are faced yearly.

5.6 Reflection on Project 1

  • What challenges did you face during the Quick Reference Guide project and how did you deal with them? I found myself falling behind in my classwork due to my personal work load.  I am not letting this stop me and I am continuing to work on catching up and do not want to give up on this class.
  • What successes did you experience on the project and how did they happen? I have learned a whole lot of technology as compared to when I took English classes twenty years ago. Change is a good thing and I welcome it with open arms.
  • What kinds of arguments, rhetorical strategies, design choices and writing practices did you find the most effective for your project? Why? The continual use of citations and using hyperlinks consistently to instill the skill. Repetition makes for perfection. The QRG's purpose and foundation for writing a paper.
  • What kinds of arguments, rhetorical strategies, design choices and writing practices did you find were not effective for your project? Why? I would have to answer this question as to I did not find anything that I would not use except for the use of discipline formats such as MLA as in my discipline I have always used APA.
  • How was the writing process for this project similar to other school writing experiences you’ve had in the past? I have previously attended other universities and this is the first time I have experienced blogging and other skills so this is a little bit different rather than similar.
  • How was the writing process for this project different from other school writing experiences you’ve had in the past? I had never created a blog so this was a really new experience. At first I was a little nervous but then I gain confidence in myself.
  • Would any of the skills you practiced for this project be useful in your other coursework? Why or why not? Most definitely these skills will be carried with me to my future studies and in my professional work environment. Using proper guidelines is something we tend to forgot sometimes and any new technology we learn can only make us more knowledgeable, marketable and successful.

4.8 Reflection on Peer Review

I enjoyed peer reviewing Christopher Gentry and Steven Duron's project draft papers. They where both well written and just needed some grammatical corrections which they can use "spelling and grammar" check tool. I suggested perhaps establishing authority in their papers when using a signal phrase to credit the author the first time a quote is used as an example: name of author and "points out" . Also, when using images or visuals they need to be cited. Another suggestion I made as it related to wordiness to perhaps delete some unnecessary words.

3.10 Practicing Quoting

Economy’s Effects

There are different views on how the economy can affect us in a negative way or a positive way in the United States. These views are noted by Kristin S. Seefeldt as they are either  “Carrying debt . . . disrupting families financial lives and negatively affecting their well being” (Seefeldt). [We as a society need to work harder on finding ways to curb these statistics from continually growing]. Debt can be noted as a positive outcome when it is to our advantage. There is such a thing as good debt and they consist of an educational loan, home mortgage and a car payment. All of these can be necessary  investments towards the future as this is called consumption smoothing as it is ongoing debt. Sarah A. Burgard & Lucie Kalousova point out that  “Some studies show that people . . .  in recessions suffer negative health consequences, whereas other studies show that mortality rates fall when the economy worsens” (Burgard & Kalousova). [Society can begin to try harder to succumb to these statistics by finding ways to overcome the odds of surviving the toll that it takes on our lives]. As we study the effects on the economy we can begin to work towards a positive outcome in the US.

Signal phrases
Ellispsis or brackets

Saturday, September 19, 2015

2.17 Annotated Bibliography in APA Style

Seefeldt, Kristin A (2015). Constant Consumption Smoothing, Limited Investments, and Few Payments: The Role of Debt in the Financial Lives of Economic Vulnerable Families. Social Service Review, Academic Database JSTOR. 216-300).

The article defines how there is economic assistance available to families that are facing hard times and how it describes how people in social services can assist them. The intended audience is for social workers and gives information on  the skills that are necessary to assist families that are in economic crisis. In my paper I plan to touch on some of the skills.

Burgard, Sarah A. & Kalousova, Lucie (2015). Effects of the Great Recession: Health and Well-Being. Annual Review of Sociology, Google Scholar., 181-200).

The article states how the economy can effect personal health in a negative and believe it or not have a positive way which I found highly interesting in how a negative thing can help a person preserver.This article focuses towards people in the sociology field and how best to work with people that are looking for  help with their personal state of mind. I plan to list and explain positive ways that the economy can effect personal health.

  Kidd, T. (2015, January) Top 10 Legislative Issues to Watch for in 2015. Inside the Article Capitol. Retrieved from

Number 5 on the top 10 list is poverty in the US. The US is one of the richest countries but is behind in many services that other countries have with universal healthcare. The middle class is hit the hardest when it comes to taxationI will note what can be done to solve ongoing poverty and the cost of living.

 US Department of Commerce (2015). Census Bureau Economic Statistics. Retrieved from http://

The Census Bureau conducts studies and research to improve the economy within the US through ways on conducting surveys. The data is compiled to be used in finding the best ways to make sure that there are  programs to combat poor economic situations. Every five years a census is taken. I will use some of the data to show how it was researched for economic patterns.

The pupose of the article is to inform students, parents and educators that the is a new college ranking tool called the Obama Administration College Scorecard to rank colleges on how they may predict a college graduate’s earnings 10 years after graduating and what percent of graduats are paying back college loans.

Sparshott, Jeffrey.Retrieved from
This article focuses on consumer spending and how it may be on an upward trend and the reasons could be more jobs, credit is more easier to access and lower cost of gasoline.

Retrieved from

The purpose of this article is to explain how the americans faith in the creditably of the U.S. Government is on a downward slump with high interest used car loans, high interest mortgage loans, homes underwater and bad consumer investments. The U.S. dollar is not what it used to be and the U.S. economy is in need of a positive economic forecast..

Puzzanghera, Jim. Business Desk. Part C, Pg.3. Los Angeles Times. September 24, 2015
Retrieved from!+AND+budget%29+AND+DATE%3E=%25CURRDATE-14%25

The purpose of this article is to touchh on the U.S. nation’s  AAA credit rating that is in jeopardy with a potential federal government shutdown as the September 20th fiscal year approached. The borrowing ability is at risk where we have already reached $18.1 trillion in debt. Republicans are taking away funding such as Planned Parenthood which is an essential program needed in our economic environment.

Smith, Adam. Retrieved from
The purpose of this article is to tell how the hourly wage earnings have dropped slightly and the jobs created by the private sector were only at 118,000 and rising interest rates by the Federal Reserve Board. The need t boost the economy needs to be at a faster rate and the presidential nominations will need to be more closely watched as we wait to see what is in store for us as Americans.

Yglesias, Matthew.Retrieved from

The purpose of this article is that the U.S.economy is headed for a recession the U.S. would be in for Americans being unprepared to take economic fighting measures and the confidence in the U.S. economy would rapidly decline at fast rate. Economic spending would take a down side with consumers being very cautious and not spending as before..


I posted to Deborah Ortega  AIP Style and Andrew Daniel Rocha's OSA Style. Each had  totally different style that was very unique to their own discipline. Their summaries were very easy to read and very nicely annotated.