Saturday, September 26, 2015

4.3 Thoughts on drafting

I reviewed Steven Duron and Oscar Acosta's posts and I learned that they both came to the conclusion that the PIE format worked for them and that it easily guided them to the process of writing effectively.
The three things I learned from processing the information are:
  1. I have to engage the proper audience. Whom do I want reach out to.
  2. Contextualization is important to deliver the message. Am I being clear and concise.
  3. What is the message or purpose we are trying to deliver

What parts of the book’s advice on the bulleted topics are helpful for writing this genre?
Thesis statement, introduction, PIE (very important for first year writers) and a conclusion are the most important starts and I feel  then the others: organizing information will follow depending on how you are going to write your paper.

What parts of the book’s advice on these topics might not be so helpful, considering the genre you’re writing in? I feel that PIE (point, illustration and explanation) format would not be as important if you where not writing a analysis essay or a persuasive argument essay. Also, if you where not a first year writer and were a well experienced writer you would not have to use PIE.


1 comment:

  1. I agree with everything you said, I actually posted very similar opinions/thoughts.
