Saturday, October 3, 2015

6.6 Analyzing Message in the Effects of the Great Recession: Health and Well-Being

Out of the bullet points on page 181, which seems most relevant to your text’s message and purpose? Why?
Inform the reader about a topic that is misunderstood, sometimes an economic impact could have a positive connotation when a individual faces an economic hardship they also can  have a boost of self-confidence to get out of the situation and preserver and try harder under the circumstance with a positive outlook.
Responds to a particular occasion of the Great Recession of 2007-2009.
Analyze, synthesize, or interpret? Analyzes how a recession can impact societies health and well-being.
Reflects on a topic of economic health and well-being in a recession.
Advocate for change that there are ways to cope in this type of situation.
Move the reader to feel a certain way in that a financial hardship is a challenge and there are ways to cope once we find the assistance and skills and know that there are other facing the same situations and that they are not alone.
Which bullet points to not seem relevant to your text’s message and purpose? Why not?
Express an idea or opinion is not related to this text that text states a fact.
Persuade the audience of something does not relate to this text there is no persuasion involved.
Are there nuances and layers to the message the author/speaker is trying to get across? If so, what are they? If not, why not?
The message the author is trying to get across is that individuals and communities are not alone there is assistance and skills to cope with financial hardships and help address the health and well-being before a major illness can occur and cause even a greater strain.


  1. I think this was the hardest part for me, finding the message. Although the topic is pretty obvious, trying to pinpoint what the author wants his audience to take from his writing was a bit harder than I expected. You did good analyzing the message.

  2. I must agree with Felicia. This was the most difficult thing for me. Finding an message to impact the "soul" of the argument. You chose wisely and analyzed the message well.
