Sunday, October 4, 2015

6.7 Analyzing Rhetorical Strategies in The Effects of the Great Recession: Health and Well-Being

Appeals to the Credibility or Character
Which items on the bulleted list of strategies on page 182 can you recognize in your text?
Reference to the credible source citing the Great Recession of 2007-2009.
Appeals to the values and beliefs shared by the audience by talking about empathy and resources that are available when facing an economic challenge and the health and well-being factors that can be overcome by learned coping skills.
How and why would the author use these strategies?
To share information on how we as individuals and communities can learn analytical sociological coping skills and suppress the impact on our health and well-being.
How do these strategies affect the audience’s perception of the author’s credibility and character?
To provide factual research information in order to dispute any claims of uncredited information and to not allow themselves to get caught in plagiarism.
How does the use of these strategies impact the effectiveness of the text’s overall message?
It provides a positive statement on there is support in ways to cope with economic factors that we do not want to attack our health and well-beng.
Does the author seem to have any biases or assumptions that might impact his or her credibility?
The author does not have bias or assumptions that would affect credibility.
Appeals to the Emotion
Which items on the bulleted list of strategies on pages 182-3 can you recognize in your text?
Emotionally comparative narratives express the connection with the author and how the thesis comes together to a positive outcome.
Repetition of keywords as the word recession, well-being and The Great Recession 2007-2009, populations and communities.
What is the actual result?
There is help and hope to overcome dire economic situations and not have a negative impact on society’s health and well-being.
Are these emotion effective or ineffective for this particular audience and rhetorical situation?
These emotions are effective for this audience and rhetorical situation and that they communicate how we are affected by the economy when there is a recession or downward spiral in economics.
These emotion are effective for the audience to gain insight into this economic situation and how to cope and find resolution.
How do these emotional appeals affect the credibility of the author or the logic of the text?
The logic of the text illustrates and compares the Great Recession of 2007-2009 and how it impacted society with a Cultural Analysis.
Appeals to the Logic
What response is the author attempting to create by employing these strategies?
The author is creating a Cultural Message with the Analytical Sociological coping skills and how they can be learned.
What is the actual result?
The Cultural Analysis appeals to the credibility, emotions, and logic and lets us know how we can respond when we interpret these values and ideas and possibly apply them when faced with a economic challenge or situation.
Are these strategies effective or ineffective for this particular audience and rhetorical situation?
These strategies are effective as they provide positive conotations.
Which items on the list of logical fallacies on pages 185-6 can you recognize in your text?
Historical records and statistics are used  to analysis the researched information.
What effect does the use of these logical fallacies have on the reader?
It provides credibility to the purpose and meaning of the text with factual information as to not dispute the author.

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