Saturday, October 10, 2015

7.3 Analyzing My Audience for Project 2

Who am I writing for? New and incoming students in the Economy and Industry field  of study whom are learning how arguments are created and deconstructed.
What are the audience's  beliefs and assumption? The way the audience learns to interpret and understand the author, purpose, contest and rhetorical strategies used.
What will they want to know? The audience will learn how to deconstruct an argument in the Economy and Industry controversy and be able to apply this knowledge to their college studies.
How might they react to my argument? My argument will explain the process on how to form Rhetorical Arguments and deconstruct them when writing.
How am I trying to relate to or connect with my audience? Providing learned information on how to deconstruct or analysis an argument in The Effects of the Great Recession: Health and Well-Being scholarly text. 
I am relating to my audience in my discipline by relating to a controversy in our field of study as they are new incoming students that are learning how to create arguments and deconstruct them.
Are there specific words, ideas, or modes of presentation that will help me relate to them in this way?
Restating the thesis by using clear and concise different language that is more easily interpreted to the new incoming students.

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