Sunday, October 11, 2015

Learning Reflection Deadline 7

I replied to Blog 7.4 Draft Thesis Statements for my fellow classmates Oscar, Felicia, Deborah and Michael. I learned that a few of us are having difficulty drafting our thesis statements. We all have good ideas and each others comments are greatly appreciated from one another.

Oscar Acosta

Felicia Maldonado

Deborah Ortega

Michael Dominguez

In re-reading the chapters this week I found it helpful in reiterating the learning process for writing a Rhetorical Analysis. This was helpful to instill the skills and strategies in writing.

Program Goals

English 102 aims to support student development in the four learning goals defined for all first-year courses in the Writing Program:
  • Goal 1: Rhetorical Awareness. Learn strategies for analyzing texts’ audiences, purposes, and contexts as a means of developing facility in reading and writing.

    I learned how to understand Rhetorical Analysis and how to deconstruct an argument in writing a draft paper from a text for an audience.

  • Goal 2: Critical Thinking and Composing. Use reading and writing for purposes of critical thinking, research, problem solving, action, and participation in conversations within and across different communities.

    I learned  critical thinking in knowing who your audience is and how you will gain their interest and hold their attention and use supporting evidence for your claim.

  • Goal 3: Reflection and Revision. Understand composing processes as flexible and collaborative, drawing upon multiple strategies and informed by reflection.

    By learning weekly reflections helped me in thinking abut what was learned in the week and how to use in the writing process and the feedback and posts from Professor Rodrigo and fellow classmates are greatly appreciated.

  • Goal 4: Conventions. Understand conventions as related to purpose, audience, and genre, including such areas as mechanics, usage, citation practices, as well as structure, style, graphics, and design.

    Relearning and learning how to properly cite references, paraphrasing and quoting works guided my writing process and strategic skills.

Course Goals

In English 102, you should learn how to:
  • Read texts to assess how writers achieve their purposes with their intended audiences.

    I learned how to write for the intended audience and cite supporting evidence.

  • Devise writing strategies suited to various rhetorical situations.

    I learned how using Rhetorical Analysis for creating and deconstructing arguments can support  the writing process..

  • Develop an argument with persuasive appeals to your audience.

    I am currently learning to use this goal this week.

  • Locate and analyze evidence to develop an argument.

    I learned how to provide supporting evidence in reference citations.

  • Develop ideas with observations and reflections on your experience.

    I learned how use persuaitve skills to keep the reader intrigued..

  • Revise in response to feedback from readers to improve drafts.

    I learned to take constructive criticism from my peers in a positive way..

  • Use the conventions of scholarly research, analysis, and documentation.

    I learned  the difference searches to cite supporting documentation such as Lexis Nexis and Google Scholar to name a few.

1 comment:

  1. You RAWK! Please don't feel like you have to discuss every outcomes; try for 2-5 each deadline. :-)
