Saturday, October 24, 2015

9.2 Clarity, Part 2

Clarity, Part 2
Active Verbs
Active verbs are used because they are clearer and more direct than the passive voice. They emphasis the meaning with action. The passive voice is used in most scientific writings when experiments and processes are described.
Parallel Ideas
Parallel ideas are presented as pairs and are linked with correlated conjunctions by creating emphasis. Grammatical structure within a sentence is followed with the 2nd half of the pair.
Needed Words
Add needed words to make comparisons and avoid ambiguity in sentences. Add the word “that” if there is a misreading.
Wordy Sentences
Eliminate redundancy in wordy sentences by cutting out empty or inflated phrases by strengthening the verb.

Hacker, Diana & Sommers, Nancy. Rules for Writers. Seventh Edition. The University of Arizona Edition.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading this! I also chose all of these but at different times. I really like how you clearly explained each clarity topic! Good job!
