Saturday, October 17, 2015

8.1 Clarity, Part 1

Untangle Mixed Constructions
Sometimes a sentence can be so tangled that is needs to be revisited by reading it again and rewriting it and not let a verb be followed by an adverb.

Eliminate Distracting Shifts
The point of view needs to be consistent with the person and number by choosing suitable prospective and combining two ideas with a coordinating conjunction. Avoid using choppy sentences and combine short sentences and combine them when they are short and if used only use them if they are emphasizing. 

Emphasis Key Ideas
Use the sentence ending technique for emphasis so that it holds at the end of the sentence as in having the last word. It will draw attention to the idea that deserves the emphasis.

Provide Some Variety
The inverting a sentence technique can be used when it can sound natural and give a welcomed touch by using this variety. By re-reading the sentence this can be a big help to make sure the sentence is making its point.

All these techniques I have read about are making me more aware of the writing experience and how to pay attention to analyzing writing.

Hacker, Diana & Sommers, Nancy. Rules for Writers. Seventh Edition. The University of Arizona Edition.


After peer reviewing and applying the Clarity techniques I learned more about the writing process. For example to only use short sentences only if they apply emphasis and to not use them because they may get redundant Also, revising a sentence by re-reading it and then re-writing it may make it more clear and concise..Using variety is important to make structural changes to the sentence. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cynthia,

    I like your reflection and I think I will also have to revisit some sentences and rewrite them for clarification.
